What Is Preconception Care

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Preconception care is the name given to the care of the parents, prior to conception. Simple right? Yes, and no.


This care entails optimising the parent’s (yes, both parents) health to help optimise the chances of conception and better yet, the health of the child. It looks at underlying conditions, nutrient deficiencies, as well as other key aspects of health, such as diet and lifestyle. By addressing and optimising these factors, you and your partner will be in optimal health to conceive a child.


Did you know that stress is one of the contributing factors of infertility? And that, ironically, infertility creates and drives further stress?


There are many factors that can impede fertility such as:

·      Stress

·      Poorly controlled glucose levels

·      Smoking

·      Alcohol consumption

·      Autoimmune and immune chronic conditions

·      Thyroid dysfunction

·      High BMI (I have a blog in the works on why this isn’t the leading cause it is made out to be)

·      Underlying reproductive conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis and adenomyosis

·      Genetic variants and methylation concerns

·      Nutrient deficiencies (which can impact DNA replication – more on that later!)


The good news is, that by addressing these underlying issues, you can optimise your chances of conception and of course, optimise the health of your future child/children.


By addressing the different factors listed above, you can harmonise the health of your body in order to ensure that you are physically and emotionally prepared for pre-conception, conception, pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum journey (including breastfeeding if you choose to).


I encourage people to have a preconception care period of 3-12 months on average. However, if you have chronic health conditions, underlying reproductive concerns, or abnormal pathology then 12-18 months of preconception care may be best for you. This allows time for:

·      The replenishment of nutrients

·      Addressing any underlying chronic conditions and causes

·      Modifying lifestyle and nutrition so that your body can utilise food as medicine

·      Improving the egg and sperm quality


On average, at least 3 months is required to see changes and impacts on sperm and egg health, this is because it takes about 3 months for the sperm and egg to mature.


What is involved in preconception care?


 The journey begins with a detailed consultation where we dive into your current presenting concerns, past medical history, family history, reproductive health, and current nutrition and lifestyle (and the same for your partner).


I look at different pathology you may already have, and this will depend on any existing health conditions, previously investigated pathology, medical history and family history.

Relevant preliminary investigations and tests I may look at:

·      Full blood count with liver enzymes and fasting glucose levels

·      MTHFR genetic variant (read more about why here soon)

·      Folate, B12, Vitamin D (taken when off supplements for 3-5 days or more)

·      Full iron studies (taken when off supplements for 3-5 days or more)

·      Basal temperature charting


Further investigations into hormones can be completed once I form a detailed picture of what is occurring for you and your partner. I don’t believe in testing unnecessarily as this is costly for you, and this money could be put towards other things to improve your health.


Preconception care is an essential part of the conception journey. My role in your journey is to help to ensure that you are getting the emotional, physical, and holistic support that you need. By harmonising each element of your total health picture, we can give your body its best opportunity to thrive and conceive.


To book a chat about what I can do to help you on your preconception journey, book a free 15-minute chat with me.


The Benefits of Preconception Care


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